
Welcome to our Amnos website!

Thank you for your interest in the work of Amnos Ministries. We believe God wants to revitalise and restore his church in Europe. We also believe that he wants all of us as his people to play a part in this work.

We aim to equip God’s people with training and experience through practical evangelism and leadership so that the body of Christ is established, disciples are made and multiplied, and local communities are transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Amnos Ministries has four main areas of focus:

  1. A Church Planting School seeking to raise up, train and release evangelistically confident church planters.
  2. Arise Evangelism training Programme
  3. Intercede Prayer meeting
  4. Inspire Bible Conference

We value your prayers, participation and partnership and we are really excited about what God is going to do.

Will you join us as our friend, student, prayer partner, supporter or advocate? Your partnership will make a difference for God’s kingdom in this region of Europe.

Read more about Daniel’s vision for the UK & Europe and add God’s heartbeat for Europe


Rev Daniel Chae, PhD

Founder and Amnos Ambassador (Click here to find out more about Daniel)

Rev Stephen Walker-Williams

Executive Director (Click here to hear more about Stephen)


Want to know more?

Amnos Ministries Mission Statement


Statement of Faith 

Our Partnerships