Passing on the Baton
We are pleased to announce a new Executive Director for Amnos Ministries. Stephen Walker-Williams, Lead Pastor at Gold Hill Baptist Church, has been appointed as the Executive Director in a part-time capacity. Daniel has felt for several years that it was right to prayerfully seek a successor as he approached retirement age and God has answered these prayers. We give God all the glory and thanks for all that He has done through Daniel’s ministry since Amnos was founded and honour Daniel and Helen for their leadership and passion.
Stephen first connected with Amnos Ministries in 2016 through the Arise evangelistic campaign. Since then he has been part of the Arise Steering Group, and central to coordinating the online evangelism training during COVID.
He and Daniel have a close bond and similar heartbeat for Jesus, prayer, Scripture, equipping and mobilising the church, church planting, and seeing restoration across the UK. Stephen’s appointment creates a stronger partnership with Gold Hill Baptist Church and we are really excited to see this take place. In fact, through Stephen’s initiative Gold Hill Baptist Church has hosted an Arise team each year from 2016 to 2022 (with the exception of 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic).
Daniel will not be simply retiring and ceasing all ministry and connection with Amnos. It is better to describe his next stage of ministry as taking on a different focus and role. He will remain heavily involved in Amnos and provide support for Stephen in his new role. Daniel and Helen will also continue to minister internationally and in addition to Daniel teaching in different contexts, they will continue as mobilisers of support for re-evangelising the UK.